We are a founding charter member of Trail Life USA, an exciting character, leadership, and adventure program. Troop 942 at Calvary Baptist Church has impacted young men since 1957, developing character and leadership through an outdoor adventure program. We invite all boys Kindergarten through 12th grade to be a part of our troop.

Our objectives are simple: encourage Trailmen in their relationship with Jesus Christ, teach valued skills, build confidence, develop strong moral character, and have fun within an outdoor adventure program while maintaining a Christian biblical worldview.

Thanks for visiting our site. If you need additional information, CLICK HERE to contact us.

Walk Worthy,
Iven Goodman
Troopmaster Trail Life Troop 942
Winston-Salem, NC


Cans for International Missions

We contribute to the Calvary Baptist Church Global Missions Offering through our Recycling Can Trailer located in the Calvary Peace Haven Campus parking lot

Local Community

We partner with the ROMEO (Retired Men Eating Out) Men’s Group at Calvary Baptist Church to serve in our local community.  This is a service project completed by our Trailman through this group for a local resident.

Operation Christmas Child

Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child (OCC) Packing Party – partnering with a local American Heritage Girls Troop, we packed 387 boxes!