Our vision is to be the premier national character development organization for young men which produces godly and responsible husbands, fathers, and citizens.


Our Mission is to guide generations of courageous young men to honor God, lead with integrity, serve others, and experience outdoor adventure.


The Worthy Life Award is an integral part of the overall Trail Life discipleship process in the Woodlands Trail, Navigators, and Adventurers programs. For a Trailman to earn the Timberline Award, Ridgeline Award or the Freedom Award, he must complete the requirements for the Worthy Life Award. At each level, this distinction requires that a Trailman complete activities in four categories:

    • Devotional – Engaging with spiritual truth in a regular transformative manner.
    • Discipleship – Living your faith through service and learning about how others have done so.
    • Discipline – Practicing intentional activities that result in spiritual growth like regular prayer, fasting, journaling, memorizing Scripture, attending church services, giving, and serving.
    • Demonstration – Evaluating and sharing Worthy Life experiences with parents, Troop, and/or church.


The Boys on the Woodlands Trail (age 5-10) gain knowledge about outdoor skills, citizenship, character, friendship, and faith through fun activities, awards, and skill instruction.


As Navigators, boys age 11-13 gain understanding of their values and beliefs under the guidance of godly male role models through being responsible in outdoor adventures and in their home and school life. They explore areas of interest and earn Trail Badges for advancement.


As Adventurers, young men ages 14-17 mature in wisdom and faith through more difficult challenges and leadership activities with Christian men walking alongside. They plan and lead outdoor events and large projects while exercising leadership positions in the Troop, even mentoring some of the younger Trailmen.


The Freedom Award is the highest award in Trail Life USA. It is an achievement accomplished by the few who reach the apex of the Trail Life Program. Earning the award requires a demonstrated mastery of a significant skill set including 15 required and 10 elective Trail Badges, performing 20 hours of servant service each year, and the distinction of having proven himself as a leader among his peers. He must also complete four “Freedom Experiences” in 3 separate chosen fields; complete a Faith Building Activity; budget, plan, and lead a volunteer team to complete a Servant Leadership Project; and complete an advancement conference and formal Freedom Board of Review.

On the Trail to Freedom, one of the most meaningful ways Trailmen come to understand their gifting is through serving. Service in the church and the community is a significant part of the Trail Life program. Outdoor adventure provides fertile ground for relationships to be fostered. As relationships grow, young men begin to learn skills and serve alongside their adult mentors. As Trailmen serve, they begin to find purpose and fulfillment. As Trailmen understand they were created by God for his glory, to be his hands and feet to others, they find fulfillment in service and begin to understand their gifting. As they use their gifts, they hone in on career and ministry paths that will set the tone for the rest of their life.